Wednesday, June 17, 2009

El Verano

Kyna made me realize that posting too many pictures in my posts results in me being lazy and not want to write anything.

Kyna and Theresa have come home, so the past few days have mainly been filled with frozen yogurt, late night escapades, picture taking, and lots and lots of food.

I'm definitely enjoying Summer so far, but I'm afraid of what I will do after they leave. I need to make plans or something.

This isn't very detailed, and I will probably write more later on during the week. Just wanted to do something so that when I click to see my blog I don't see pictures of weird things everywhere. I should be asleep by now. I have things to do tomorrow.

Good night.


Aimee Pham said...

gosh darn, i like your pointless pictures!

Jonathan Nguyen said...

Man, I can't believe I forgot that.