Sunday, June 07, 2009


I finally asked my parents why my legal name is "Joan" instead of "Joanna", like it's supposed to be. My mom said that she wanted the name "Joan", but she realized it was too plain and thought that Joanna would sound cuter. By that time my dad already turned in the birth certificate. I asked my dad to see what he would say about the whole naming-your-kid-wrong situation, and he said that he didn't put "Joanna" because it sounded Mexican.

My new celebrity crush is Anton Yelchin. I watched some movies with him in it, including Charlie Bartlett and Hearts in Atlantis, and then the more recent ones such as Star Trek and Terminator Salvation. He's cute.

1 comment:

beckyphan(: said...

oh the asian-mexican thing.
JUANA doesn't sound mexican AT ALL(: