Monday, July 20, 2009

Going Away

James's Camera, of course.
My weekend went exceptionally well. It was Catherine's going away party on Saturday and then movies and dinner Sunday night. It's no surprise Summer's going by so quickly, but I'm sad nevertheless. I'm not sure what I'm doing for the rest of the week, but I suppose I should do AP homework.

How cute.

1 comment:

Aimee Pham said...

First of all, the food looks AMAZING. i'm seriously drooling on my desk right now.

Second of all, were you going to take ap spanish next year? se me olvido

third of all, if you were taking it next year, i don't think i want to anymore...i need an opinion!

last of all: dude, i cannot get that picture of that hot guy you posted out of my head! i need to start staring at milo ventimiglia pictures again to make it go away=]