Friday, July 10, 2009

Lazy Day

It was one of those let's-stay-home-and-do-nothing days today. I felt kind of useless, but it was relaxing in a sense. Besides going to brunch with Jeremy, cleaning the house, finishing a book, running with Bradley, and watching Street Fighter with Angienon and Tammy, I didn't do much. I also ate something bad because my stomach has been feeling no bueno all day.

And I uploaded the Karaoke video on Facebook, but only a few people can see it, including Aimee, Jonathan, Angienon, and Alvin. The video was utterly embarrassing, but I'll admit that it was fun and it turned out to be a success. The comments were quite lovely.

Only because I realized I haven't posted up random pictures as often as I used to.

1 comment:

Jonathan Nguyen said...

Your video was pricesless