Monday, July 06, 2009

Cause We're All Just Weird Like That.

So we just up and decided to film a parody of Vietnamese Karaoke Videos as a whole with Tammy, Catherine, Heather, Brendan, and me as the actors and my uncle as the cameraman.

We went all out. I'm talking hideous, matronly dresses, awful hair and makeup, and having that far off, over dramatic dreamy look into the sky while circling trees and thinking of that imaginary special someone.

I don't know how long it'll take my uncle to edit the videos but I'm telling you now that I will probably never ever post it on here, on Facebook, or anywhere else cause it's pretty damn embarrassing, although I must admit that it was tons of fun and I can't wait for the finished product.

If you've never seen a Vietnamese Karaoke Video, watch one to see what I'm talking about.


Jonathan Nguyen said...

I wanna see the video... =[

Aimee Pham said...

please please please, joanna, I'm begging you....
put it on!
hahaha, whenever i go to Elvis?! to do a bit of karoake action, i always peek into other people's windows to see if they have those AMAZING viet songs with the scenic backgrounds and waterfalls and daydreaming people
legen....wait for it!

Aimee Pham said...


Aimee Pham said...

oh pretty pretty pretty please?
and this could be a learning experience for me! considering the fact that i'm the most un-vietnamese person out there, i'll watch this movie and become connected to my roots
culture joanna, culture!!

beckyphan(: said...

you MUST put it up(:
look at all this demand for it!
aimee is probably using her adorable liitle puppydogface.
you can't say no to that joanna.
its impossible.
i would do my puppydogface, but then i'd probably just scare you. hahahahahha!<3333333

Jonathan Nguyen said...

Oh, that makes sense now =P