Sunday, August 23, 2009


  • Tammy got a new dog, named Choux Choux (Shoo Shoo).
  • Attended some weird Vietnamese religious picnic with the padres.
  • Attempted to play near Al's house with Tammy. I'm pretty awful.
  • Watched Inglorious Basterds with James and Tammy.
  • Walked out of the theater realizing that we all wore white v-necks.
  • Something I ate did not agree with my stomach. Perhaps it was the delicious, salty, butter-y popcorn.
  • Now napping to Hans Zimmer, Ennio Morricone, Alexandre Desplat, and Craig Armstrong.
  • Hm. Til Schweiger is a hot piece of ass.


Aimee Pham said...

that man is a stud with a ridiculous last name
but that's okay, because he's a stud!

Izzy Loh said...

Ennio Morricone and his collab. with Yo-Yo Ma is ridiculous, you should listen to it if you haven't already; when he does "Gabriell's oboe" its amazing