Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Talking with Viv, eating lunch with James, Alex, and Tammy, laughing at James as he wrote his number down on the check for the waitress because he thought she was cute, observing James play Metal Gear Solid and Alex teach Tammy the beginning of More Than Words on the guitar, working with Duy and Jason, showing Duy "She Wolf" by Shakira, hearing his thoughts on how the video was erotic, sleeping over Tammy's, attending Paul's volleyball game, driving, eating crawfish, steak, and Bun Rieu all in the presence of close friends and Phamily, watching Ip Man and Kevin dance, bonding once again, staying up, attempting to go shopping with mother, being pissed off 99% of the time, biking to Tammy's to nap, eat some more, and study, finding out that Brian has a blog, writing another letter, wondering about things I shouldn't be wondering about, missing C, continuing to do homework.

Not much, but still pretty eventful, I'd say.

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