Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Your Arms Around Me.

Apparently everyone's week had started off badly, including mine.

Good episode of How I Met Your Mother today. I'm glad CBS puts their shows up a few hours after they've been aired.  I'm also glad that Kyna's gone for the week.  No distractions cause the next few days are gonna be all work and no play.  I downloaded a bunch of albums and movie soundtracks today so I think I'm good in regards to homework and studying music.  I still have to read a few more chapters of The Scarlett Letter but I think I'm going to knock out anyway. I'm rambling. It's not late but I'm borderline delirious right now.  Hope your week will turn out better than mine will.


Nhy said...

That one album was the only happy one. His other albums are slow and depressing.

cle. said...

joanna, ill make youre week exciting(;

Jonathan Nguyen said...

Aww ...=[ hope the rest of your week turns out better

cle. said...

anything your heart desires ;D