Sunday, August 02, 2009

Going Going Gone.

Ever since Tammy's homecoming and the fact that Catherine's leaving for Duke, I've been bathing myself in their presence this whole week. Some of the activities included studying at the beach for the millionth time, sleeping over, clearing out the garage, singing sappy love songs and old school hip hop, going down memory lane, bonding, and lots and lots of eating.

Catherine left today, and the process of it wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be, but it was still up the point where I still felt pretty sad that she was leaving. I third wheeled it with Cathairine earlier to go eat lunch and it was interesting to see them interact on their last day together until September or Christmas or whenever the next time they're gonna see each other. They were being "lovey dovey" of course and I wanted to hurl, but it was nice to see how much they love each other nonetheless. I think they'll do just fine.

Angienon left for Maui on Saturday and with my dad accompanying Catherine on her drive to North Carolina it's just going to be me and my mom in the house. For the whole week. Oy vay.

A lot is gonna happen in two years.

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