Friday, August 07, 2009

"You Make Me Sick To My Stomach."

Going to movie premieres is exhilarating - the wild clapping and cheering of the crazies, waiting in line, just the fact that you're watching a movie so late with a group of people who are just as anxious and excited as you - I suppose that's what you're really paying for. And then I guess there's the movie. I went to the premiere of G.I. Joe and having read some reviews about the movie beforehand I wasn't expecting much. The action was fun and entertaining, but everything else was awkward and weird to watch.

Knocked out on T's couch at around 330, after having an experience of a lifetime one can only get when buying pho from Bolsa at three in the morning. The intense stares, the loud chatter, the butt grabbing. Oh, Vietnamese people.

My sister and dad arrived to North Carolina safely. They say the state is very beautiful and the apartment is fantastic. I can't wait to visit.

1 comment:

Aimee Pham said...

oh those crazy viets!
dude, i saw you riding your bike yesterday near Famima!! but i didn't realize it was you until we drove 5 ft away from you, and when i looked back........

you were gone