Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I'm liking letter-writing. I know it sounds a bit, what's the word, hypocritical? No that's not it. I'm saying that I'm growing to really enjoy letter writing now, but it sounds _____ because of the fact that it's been around for such a long time, and to just suddenly take a liking to it and  somewhat give the impression that it's "something new"  seems wrong of me.  Does that make sense.  Actually, nevermind.

Now that Catherine's in North Carolina I have a reason to write.  I'm scared that it'll be just a phase, that I'll get tired of writing her over the next two years.  I've written her four letters so far, in addition to other letters that I've recently written to others.  There's something about pouring out all your emotions and thoughts on a piece of paper, sealing it, and sending it away for your relative, best friend, or lover to read. And it's just, nice. Personal. Thoughtful. Meaningful.

Wow, I've gone soft.  I'm not used to writing such sentimental - feeling posts. I never write sentimental - feelings posts. Not that this is even anywhere near sentimental to some people, but still.  Oy vay.  I should do homework.


Jonathan Nguyen said...

Awwww, I want a letter! =p

cle. said...

this has nothign to do with your letters but i LOVE you joannaa <333(:

Aimee Pham said...

I love letter writing! Except stamps are a pain =/